I should have been a little clearer. I made an MP# plater in AS3. I made a
seekbar so the user can skip to the end of the mix. I've checked and
rechecked my math, and everything looks good. I use the math to determine a
new amount of milliseconds to tell the sound object to switch the position
to like this:


I am streaming in files of different bitrates. The files that are at 192kbps
are giving me a strange problem where I can't reach the end and even if I'm
providing the proper millisecond target, they are losing about 2 minutes at
the end of the stream.

The file that was encoded at 128kbps doesn't have this same problem, I can
skip all the way to the end of the file, in fact in some instances I was
able to skip past the end of the file. This is what led me to believe that
the problem was not my math, but how Flash was receiving these files in the

The part that confused me was I let one of the 192kbps files stream
completely without touching the seekbar and it reached the correct end of
the file, but I couldn't get it to do this after I had seeked.

Can anyone clarify what is going on here?

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Kerry Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Shant Parseghian wrote:
> > When streaming in a MP3 with 192kbps, I was having the last couple
> minutes
> > of my mp3 cut off in Flash. Basically the mix was acting as if it was 46
> > minutes long instead of it's real duration of 44 minutes. I made the
> bitrate
> > 96kbps and tested it again and this time the file ended 20 minutes early,
> > which is very confusing. Is there a standard bitrate to use while working
> > with Flash? Is this a bug from Adobe?
> Are you working in AS2 or 3? (It does seem to make a difference).
> In my experience, converting to mp3 almost always changes the length of the
> file (though. I will admit, not that drastic).
> You have a lot of choices with Flash, in Publish Settings -> Audio Stream
> and Audio Event. It could be that you're embedding .mp3 files in the
> library, then further compressing them. You can play around with those
> settings, but if you're bringing in audio that's already .mp3-compressed,
> you shouldn't need to compress if further in Flash.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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