> I was curious if
> anyone had done something similar or any ideas on how to go about this?
> I'm having trouble deciding what technology to use (database xml or text
> files)
> to store the data in. a webdeveloper friend of mine says the message
> could be encoded in the url itself, if anyone out there has any prior
> experience
Yes, I've done this just as you said by encoding the message in the url.
You can try it here.


The php ends up being very simple as you don't have to store every message.
The downsides are:
- You need to encode the message within the url otherwise people can just read it in the url - You need to restrict the length of the message otherwise the url ends up being really long. This is not a problem for the browser but can be a problem if the url gets emailed.
- You don't have a record of what was sent in case of abuse

However, this one has been up and working for 6 months now and the client's happy so its not a bad way to go.



Joe Cutting
Computer exhibits and installations
35 Hospital Fields Road, York, YO10 4DZ
01904 624681
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