Nice one :)

As i said earlier; we also have advising roles to play. If a specific project needs specific technology, dont bend or sway for less. Try to convince/explain the client why. Especially if the concept comes from the developing party, they thought about it, they'll also make it.

I know sometimes clients can be difficult, what i have noticed, as long as you explain why and show them figures, they'll go for it.

Or tell them the competitors ARE using AS3, two seconds ... they'll reconsider ;)


On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:48 PM, allandt bik-elliott ( wrote:

@Sidney: That's really interesting because at all the places I've worked (which isn't many - I've always done coding as a sideline and have only recently gone full-time), they seem to be utterly entrenched in FP8 (i guess using the old 'work to the last player' thinking). I personally would love
to move the (non-banner) work to AS3 as it's a far more elegant way of
working. I find that the clients tend to dictate it based on whatever plugin
their IT department have set them up with.


NOTE: This is taken from the interview thread and I thought it might be
worth having it's own one

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Sidney de Koning

Hi allandt,

As agencies we also have a advising role to play towards the customer, so we only do AS3 projects, hardly any AS2 (maybee some banners in FP8). So we try to advice/push the client towards AS3 projects, which, most of the
times, is better for all parties invloved.


On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:24 PM, allandt bik-elliott (

hmmm - i didn't do bad (without looking stuff up) but i must say that i've
not been asked to do a single as3 project since i started doing agency
- the only time i've done an as3 project was for an interactive cd so i could set my own target for the projector file. Most of the work i do in digital agencies has been targeted at flash player 8 or (even worse) 6 so
AS2 has been more important than AS3.

Under what sort of circumstances do you find that AS3 is used?


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Sidney de Koning

The list of questions i always ask interviewees are the following, and
gives me a pretty good example of what they are like and what their

Test is always accompanied with a practical test we make up on the spot.
The XML in Q16 is made up, you can create your own for this.

Feel free to use this,



1 - write an event listener (normal and weak referenced) and handling
function for a Sprite
     named 'beginQuestions' and listen for a  mouse click.
2  - what does weak referenced mean in regards to event listeners?
3  - what is the difference between an object an an array?
4  - how doe you get cue point from vidio in AS3? And in AS2?
5  - briefly explain the various datatypes for numbers.
6  - how do you load an external file?
7  - draw a 20px by 20px Rectangle using the graphics API.
8  - which of the following cannot contain other display objects?
     Sprite, Shape, MovieClip, DisplayObjectContainer.
9 - which properties can you use to change the size of DisplayObjects? 10 - ENTER_FRAME is independant of an SWF's frame rate? True or false?
11 - XP is a type of which programming methology?
12 - why would you use a Singleton?
13 - what is the Document Class?
14 - create a new TextField instance, then add text it, then add some
15 - what is the difference between public, private and protected.
16 - look at the piece of XML (see other sheet). How do i:
     - Get all of the page nodes as an XMLList.
     - Get node in showcase where the attribute id=1.
17 - listen for when the 'enter key' is pressed and
     trace out "all questions are now done" when the event happens.

Sidney de Koning
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Sidney de Koning
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