Fine on Firefox, doesn't work on Safari for some reason.
Intel Mac Book Pro.

And you should really look into SWFObject for embedding your flash content
in html. Will help you integrating and make things easier.

2008/8/17 Dave Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Could someone with a Mac check if this is working in fullscreen?
> Sorry, no. And clicking your "go full screen" button does nothing. No
> crashes though.
> Intel Max OSX 10.5.4, Safari 3.1.2, Flash player version 9.0.124.
> Cheers
> David
>> This site crashed on my client's  Mac.  The problem was likely that I
>> didn't
>> include or nest the the embed tags within the object tags in my html page
>> when I modified for full screen.  Here's my new code in the html (which
>> hopefully works) ...
>> <object
>>   data="fullscreen.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"
>> height="510"
>>   <param name="movie" value="fullscreen.swf" />
>>   <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
>>   <embed
>>       src="fullscreen.swf"
>>       quality="high"
>>       bgcolor="#ffffff"
>>       width="640"
>>       height="510"
>>       name="stage"
>>       align="middle"
>>       allowScriptAccess=    "sameDomain"
>> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=
>>       "";
>>   </>
>> </>
>> carlos
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