Flash uses the mxml compiler which is part of the Flex SDK. As long as you are not importing classes specific to the IDE, then you can run the compiler on the command line.

Download the free Flex SDK from Adobe and see if you can compile your classes - look at Flash Develop for something that can handle non-IDE flash projects and Flex ones...

If you need Flash IDE classes, you may be able to compile a library SWF which you can use / reference in your compile and load at runtime.


Alan wrote:
Hi all,

I'm developing a keyframe-based animation app in AS3 similar to After Effects and I want the user to be able to render their final movies as a quicktime to my server. I started writing a perl script that reads in the movie's xml file, composites the layer images using imagemagick and then encodes them using ffmpeg. However, it would be nice to use my animation engine from the AS3 app to do the frame generation, so I don't have to maintain 2 different versions of composition code that calculate all the keyframes. Is there any way to utilize AS3 from the command-line without having some sort of browser?


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