Thanks Ian,
Your input is always insightful.

Unfortunately not all my clients are windows based, so that won't fly.

What my clients really need though is more than just a nice XML editor, they need an interface that will allow them to click something and to then have pre-made fields for all the attributes related to that 'thing'/module etc.

So if someone clicks 'add image' they should get some fields related to that image: file, alt tag, format-type [a drop down selection that will match some value in flash so I know how to format the image: for alignment etc]. When they click 'save' it should just generate an XML file on the server, but they never need to see it.

And I'll need to be able to set up those choices in some admin-view and modify that per client based on their custom-needs.

I've now also looked at:

But there are soooo many options for a CMS system, that I feel a bit overwhelmed with which one to pick and try -- I'd like to know that the CMS system I pick fits both my needs and those of my clients before I spend time learning it.

My server is PHP/Unix flavored; if that makes a difference.

I already have lots of PHP scripts to generate pages in HTML that parallel the flash, or just for the robots [SEO] etc-etc. So really the only missing aspect I have right now is a good solid CMS front-end for the client.

Thanks for any help!



Ian Thomas wrote:
Just as a quick alternate suggestion, you could hand the client an XML
editor rather than just a text editor. That way they won't be able to
forget to close a tag.

Internally, we use XML Notepad, which is free and supports XML schemas
(so can even syntax-check what your client is doing). It's by
Microsoft. It's probably the only Microsoft thing I'll ever recommend
to anyone.

Fairly obviously Windows only, sadly.

(I feel so dirty now. :-) )


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 8:45 PM, sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Someone mentioned AIR XML editors as an easier way to allow clients to do
content management.

I have a few websites created now that are XML driven and I was wondering if
there is a good CMS option [Content Management System] around that people
are using to help clients circumvent the 'technical' barrier that XML and
FTP still pose to the average person. The general issue seems to be that
human-error is prone, and thus it breaks too easily [upload into the wrong
FTP folder, forget to close a tag etc]

I did a google search and came up with:

Which is free and it works, only I can't see anyway to pre-define tags and
attributes. My Flash and PHP/HTML systems are expected "modules". "Modules"
are pre-defined tags with specific attributes.

So I was wondering if there is and AIR XML editor [or a web based editor--
which would be even better!] that also allows me, the webadmin, the
pre-define tags and then just have the client fill in the values/upload
pictures etc. as they please.

If there is no free CMS option, and I do find a killer CMS that is not too
expensive and does all that I am expecting [= allows customization], I could
part with some cash.

Thanks for any advice you may offer,



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