What I'd do to retain type-checking in this case is to define an interface:

public interface IMyModule   (or whatever)
    function startUp():void;
    // and maybe other functions...

Make your document class implement IMyModule (i.e. it must define
function startUp()).

Then in your loading code:

private function onInit(e:Event):void
    var myModule:IMyModule=loader.content as IMyModule;

Does that make sense? Each and every one of your loadable document
classes MUST implement IMyModule. (Using interfaces like this to talk
across module boundaries are very handy.)

(Obviously, myModule.startUp() will still throw a runtime error if
your document class doesn't implement IMyModule.)

In terms of your preloader/loading different modules, I'm less sure
exactly what you're after. I haven't done much with preloaders
(because most of our content is desktop rather than web-based).


On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Joel Stransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love this list so far. Thanks for highlighting that Ian.
> I think you explained clearly that I'm bypassing good type checking so maybe
> you could help me with an alternative.
> The issue arose from Lee Brimelow's AS3 preloading
> video<http://gotoandlearn.com/play?id=85>.
> He basically defends that the best way to preload in as3 is by creating a
> parent .swf who's only job is to load the main content movie into it
> sighting issues with document classes being forced into frame 1. He doesn't
> cover however how to call a function inside the newly loaded content so I
> thought I'd dynamically cast one. Ok, it does sound nutty when I type it
> out.
> What I'm struggling with is a clean way to preload a container who can turn
> around and load content without the user having to see two sequential load
> bars. Further, the nav in container should be switch out the content movies
> preferably utilizing the parent preloader again. This was a piece of cake in
> as2 by putting the preloader in frame 1 and the start of content a few
> frames later.
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