Thanks Sid, it does help... Thanks for the additional advice as well.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sidney
de Koning
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:22 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Probably a simple answer...

Hi Ross,

when you create your variables, you forgot to set the identifier,  
public , private etc.
Because else it scopes it default to , if i'm not mistaken.
So now change that to (and its good practice to use an underscore for  
member variables);

private var _mainBrowser: BasicBrowserWindow; (not htmlLoader)

Also change the mainBrowser everywhere to _mainBrowser, now also do  
the same trick for the htmlLoader.
(set it to private and rename to_htmLoader).

That should fix it.

Hope this helps you on your way,


On Dec 11, 2008, at 2:03 PM, Lehr, Ross (N-SGIS) wrote:

> This is probably too simple of a question to ask here, but I'm  
> trying to
> get my head around this AS3 OOP thing.  I'm playing with a simple AIR
> (built in Flash) web browser and I've hit a snag right off the bat.  I
> have a document class that calls a class to build the HTMLLoader  
> window.
> If I comment out the code in the onGoEvent function it works fine.   
> When
> I uncomment the code and compile, I get a " 1061: Call to a possibly
> undefined method urlToLoad through a reference with static type"  I  
> know
> urlToLoad is there, I use it to load the default page, but for some
> reason it gets lost along the way...  With my limited knowledge of AS3
> and OOP I just can't find the problem.  Thanks for any advice and  
> help.
> urlInput = the text entry field a user would typ the URL address to a
> web page.
> PS. I've removed some of the code like the "import" statements to keep
> the email as small as possible.
> package  {
>       public class MyBrowser extends MovieClip {
>               var mainBrowserWindow:HTMLLoader;
>       public function MyBrowser()
>               {
>               mainBrowserWindow = new
> BasicBrowserWindow(this,10,45,stage.stageHeight -
> 100,900,"";);
>       //goButton
>               goButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGoEvent);
>        }
>       public function onGoEvent(e:MouseEvent):void
>       {
>               mainBrowserWindow.urlToLoad( urlInput.text );
>       }
>       }
> }
> BasicBrowserWindow CLASS
> package  {
>       public class BasicBrowserWindow extends HTMLLoader {
>       var htmlLoader:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
>       public function BasicBrowserWindow(mC:MovieClip,
>                                               xPos:int,
>                                               yPos:int,
>                                               browserH:int,
>                                               browserW:int,
>                                               defaultURL:String)
>        {
>               htmlLoader.x = xPos;
>               htmlLoader.y = yPos;
>               htmlLoader.width = browserW;
>               htmlLoader.height = browserH;
>               mC.addChild(htmlLoader);
>               urlToLoad(defaultURL);
>       }
>        public function urlToLoad(uTL:String):void
>        {
>               htmlLoader.load(new URLRequest( uTL ));
>       }
>       }
> }
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> Flashcoders mailing list

Sidney de Koning
Flash / AIR Developer @
Technical writer @

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