can you put up a simplified zip that allows us to try it out?

And then for something else, if you don't get a response within a day,
there's need to get cynical or offensive referring to us as 'coders' as if
everyone here is only a wannabe of some sort. Last time I checked I'm geting
paid to respond within 4 hours of one of your emails :).

get in line and give it some time ;)


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:21 AM, -whispers- <whispers...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Nope, it is not...
> the images that seems to break the application is 1500x1500.. while other
> (smaller) images around 550x450 seem to work fine
> quick overview:
> A.) contentContainer
> B.)     |---------faceContainer
> C.)                 |----------------------lineContainer (where I drawmy
> lineTo() shape to be used as the base of my invertedMask function)
> D.)                 |----------------------maskContainer (where the actual
> invertedMask is created with the function I provided/am using)
> E.)                 |----------------------centeredContainer (where the
> image is loaded into)
> faceContainer X/Y is centered is the absolute middle of the display area
> all child clips of faceContainer (clips C-E above) are then off set by
> height & width /2..  so that when I scale or rotate faceContainer.. all
> child clips scale from the 'center'..
> when I load in ANY image.. I check its height..and if bigger than my
> display area.. I scale it down...
> again this works fine is I load in a smaller image...
> the only code is 1 (one) function...... (13 lines only) ........that breaks
> when the image loaded is over a certain size (I believe sets the X/Y to a
> negative number, beyond zero)
> this is the function in question:
> INVERSED MASK: ( mc = contentContainer.faceContainer.lineContainer)
> //--------------------- [reverse mask code] --------------------- //
> function inverseMask(mc:MovieClip) {
>     contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
>     var _BMP:BitmapData = new
> BitmapData(contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._width,
> contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._height, true, 0xFFFFFFFF);
>     var invert:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1);
>     var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
>     matrix.translate(0, 0);
>     //matrix.translate(mc._x, mc._y);  //doesnt work
>     //matrix.translate(contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._x,
> contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._y); //doesnt work
>     //matrix.identity();
>    //matrix.scale(contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._xscale,
> contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._yscale);
>     _BMP.draw(mc, matrix, invert);
>     _BMP.threshold(_BMP, new Rectangle(0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height),
> new Point(0, 0), "<", 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FF0000);
>     var BMP:BitmapData = _BMP.clone();
>     var maskMC:MovieClip =
> contentContainer.faceContainer.maskContainer.createEmptyMovieClip("invertedMask",
> contentContainer.faceContainer.maskContainer.getNextHighestDepth());
>     maskMC.attachBitmap(BMP,
> contentContainer.faceContainer.maskContainer.getNextHighestDepth());
>     maskMC.cacheAsBitmap = true;
>     mc._visible = false;
>     return maskMC;
> }
> thanks to anyone that even point me in the right direction on debugging...
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Jason Van Pelt
>  To: Flash Coders List
>  Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 4:20 PM
>  Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] inversed mask (bitmapData/matrix) help.. AS2
>   I can't go through all of your info, but just off the top of my head
> what
>  is the size of the image you are trying to load? Is it larger than the
> 2880
>  x 2880 pixel limit?
>  324 CAMP ST  •  NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130
>  TEL 504-210-1232  •  FAX 504-529-4431
>  vanpe...@peteramayer.com  •  WWW.PETERAMAYER.COM<http://www.peteramayer.com/>
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