
It's a long shot, but without looking into your code too much, what happens if you load a 1440 x 1440 image and don't rotate it in anyway - does it break? If that does not break, try loading in a 1441 x 1441 image - does this break?

Not sure if the centering the image inside another clip causes problems with the actual display area going over 2880, but the 1500 x 1500 size sounds pretty close to 2880 / 2, so it could be something to do with that.

Maybe the mask position is wrapping around because you are going over the limit - again, it's a long shot, but try finding out what dimensions break it??

   Like I said, it's a long shot, but could be an idea...
-whispers- wrote:
Nope, it is not...

the images that seems to break the application is 1500x1500.. while other 
(smaller) images around 550x450 seem to work fine
quick overview:

A.) contentContainer
B.)     |---------faceContainer
C.)                 |----------------------lineContainer (where I drawmy 
lineTo() shape to be used as the base of my invertedMask function)
D.)                 |----------------------maskContainer (where the actual 
invertedMask is created with the function I provided/am using)
E.)                 |----------------------centeredContainer (where the image 
is loaded into)

faceContainer X/Y is centered is the absolute middle of the display area
all child clips of faceContainer (clips C-E above) are then off set by height & 
width /2..  so that when I scale or rotate faceContainer.. all child clips scale 
from the 'center'..

when I load in ANY image.. I check its height..and if bigger than my display 
area.. I scale it down...

again this works fine is I load in a smaller image...
the only code is 1 (one) function...... (13 lines only) ........that breaks 
when the image loaded is over a certain size (I believe sets the X/Y to a 
negative number, beyond zero)

this is the function in question:

INVERSED MASK: ( mc = contentContainer.faceContainer.lineContainer)
//--------------------- [reverse mask code] --------------------- //
function inverseMask(mc:MovieClip) {
     contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
     var _BMP:BitmapData = new 
contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._height, true, 0xFFFFFFFF);
     var invert:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1);
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.translate(0, 0);

     //matrix.translate(mc._x, mc._y);  //doesnt work
contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._y); //doesnt work
//matrix.identity(); //matrix.scale(contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._xscale, contentContainer.faceContainer.centeredContainer._yscale);

     _BMP.draw(mc, matrix, invert);
     _BMP.threshold(_BMP, new Rectangle(0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height), new Point(0, 0), 
"<", 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FF0000);
     var BMP:BitmapData = _BMP.clone();
     var maskMC:MovieClip = 
     maskMC.cacheAsBitmap = true;
     mc._visible = false;
     return maskMC;

thanks to anyone that even point me in the right direction on debugging...

----- Original Message ----- From: Jason Van Pelt To: Flash Coders List Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 4:20 PM
  Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] inversed mask (bitmapData/matrix) help.. AS2

  I can't go through all of your info, but just off the top of my head what
  is the size of the image you are trying to load? Is it larger than the 2880
  x 2880 pixel limit?


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