I'd probably just determine the points ahead of time and recreate it using

Most likely, that would be less time consuming. That's my answer if this is
a practical question, if it's theoretical and you just want to know if it
can be done, I'm sure it can, but I'm not totally sure which method to use
to achieve the desired result.

- Taka

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Mark Winterhalder <mar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Todd Kerpelman <t...@kerp.net> wrote:
> > Hey, coders!
> >
> > I have a Sprite that consists of a polygon that I drew in Flash (using
> the
> > line tool) and saved into my Library.
> >
> > Using ActionScript, is there any way to easily find the points of said
> > polygon? It seems like I oughta be able to dig up those line coordinates
> out
> > of my Sprite.graphics object, but I can't seem to find a way of doing
> it...
> You'll end up reading the coordinates from inside the Flash IDE or by
> using a tool like Swfmill, but just for sports, and with the
> limitation that it needs to be convex, this is the easiest way I can
> think of:
> Rotate it slowly. Use getRect to find out how far it extends towards,
> say, the right, at a given rotation. When that distance decreases,
> it's a point, and you can calculate its coordinate via the distance
> and rotation. Repeat until you've made a full turn.
> If it's not convex, I guess you'd need to trace it...
> Mark
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