You beat me to it. I was going to say that he could lat it out someway like outputing it all as html inside an mc like eric said, convert the mc to a bitmap like you suggested, and then use printJob();

Here is a decent tutorial...

Glen Pike wrote:
Omar Fouad wrote:
Hi all,I am working on a POS application in AIR and SQLite, and I am stuck
with this little problem. I need to send to a printer, some data from an
array and create a table.. in other words, I need to print a receipt.

Is there any way to create dinamically a table and fill it with strings and
print it out?

Thanks in advance


Not sure about the dynamic table, but you can use the PrintJob class in ActionScript. The best thing to do with this is to create a MovieClip the size of the thing to print and put a Bitmap inside it. Do a grab of your Receipt table / MovieClip into the bitmap and use the PrintJob to print - this gets around problems with vector vs bitmap in printing because you are always printing a bitmap. As long as you have a way of laying out your "receipt" you can print it from AS if you like...

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