yes, filters "broke" the important property of scalability of vector graphics.
This has been around since flash 8.

But surprisingly, your (justified) request is quite rare.

Some hints:
- ask Adobe to add a "scale with movieClip" checkbox in filter params (almost hopeless) - set up the filters using programming, and make the pixel params scale-dependant (not very easy, because reproducing IDE filters using ationscript is complicated by differences in parameter names) (EDIT: try googling to find some tool or JSFL generating this actionscript for you) - ask your designer to duplicate the layout and apply a scale factor "by hand" to pixel distances in filter parameters. (easiest)

If you can't edit the source file, Glen Pike s' bitmap is the only solution I see. Normally, wrapping the filtered clip in another clip doesn't change anything.


Andrew Sinning a écrit :
We've build an interface for a 512x384 movie using an external skin movie built at 1024x768. We've actually been doing this for a number of years, but now that we're trying to improve the quality of our art, I'm noticing something for the first time. When the imported movie is scaled down, the filters become exaggerated. My take on this is that the pixel values specified in the filters are relative to the root clip, not relative to the clip on which they are applied. This effectively doubles the effect of the filter when the clip is scaled down.

Is there a work around?


Olivier Besson (gludion) - (33 1) 44 64 78 99

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