I have a loop that is assigning event listeners to "target". My targets
are named btn1, btn2, btn3, etc etc. 

inside each btn, I have a movie clip called "menuSquare_mc" which I want
to animate. how can I target menuSquare_mc of each button using only 1

function down($e:MouseEvent ):void { 

 trace($e.type + " : " +$e.target ) ; 

 if ($e.type == "mouseOver") { 

 TweenMax.to($e.target.menuSquare_mc, .3, {alpha:.06, delay:0,



the above code fails... I want it to say btn1.menuSquare_mc,
btn2.menuSquare_mc, etc) using just 1 function...  

in fact, my idea would be to use if $e.type == "mouseDown" do another
function just like the over and one just like the out.
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