Hello everyone,

Long time no speak! I've been out of the flash loop for about 9 months, and I'm about to work on a new flash project which requires some 3D animation.

I need to make 3D polygons that spin and can morph from one shape to another. I also need to be able to "skin" each side of the polygon with a different image [loaded via XML form outside files]

With my know-how form 9 months ago, I would either work this out in pure 3D code I would write from scratch or from a library, or I would try and look into something like papervision3D which I think does something like this already.

I'm still on CS3

My question is:

Is there a new, better and more elegant / pre-made way for working in 3D?
Is there now a better package than papervision?
Does flash CS4 make this in anyway easier?

Thanks for any guidance and general direction answers you can provide.



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