A little while ago flep studio  released  a free cms and xml generator for




 to build a gallery from the xml file it outputs is fairly simple but i
would like it to create thumbnails on the fly, when the client uploads the
large images  a set of thumbnails is automatically create and place in a
thumbs folder in the category folder that the cms creates, it would also be
good to update the xml too, 

i've done a little research and there are some php scripts such as;



that seem to do what im after, 


i suppose i need to incorperate that into the upload.php file in the cms?






//path to storage

$storage = $_REQUEST["folder"];


//path name of file for storage

$uploadfile = "$storage/" . basename( $_FILES['Filedata']['name'] );


//if the file is moved successfully

if ( move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'] , $uploadfile ) )



                echo "answer=".$answer;


//file failed to move



                echo "answer=".$answer;





many help much appreciated,  

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