Also make sure you have the right permissions for your php script and that you have the ability to write to and move files on your server. Lastly make sure your using the right version of php on your server. I had php 4.3 and was using php 5 code and found out the hard way.


Sent from losPhone

On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Glen Pike <> wrote:


That's pretty much what you need to do.

Look at the example on the page you linked to - you don't necessarily want to output HTML, but would output a response of some kind, so strip out the HTML and return success / error and maybe messages I think - can't remember what FileReference upload is supposed to get back, sorry - but you should be on the right lines if you hack up the "output" of the script.


thomas horner wrote:

A little while ago flep studio released a free cms and xml generator for

to build a gallery from the xml file it outputs is fairly simple but i would like it to create thumbnails on the fly, when the client uploads the large images a set of thumbnails is automatically create and place in a thumbs folder in the category folder that the cms creates, it would also be
good to update the xml too,
i've done a little research and there are some php scripts such as;

that seem to do what im after,

i suppose i need to incorperate that into the upload.php file in the cms?


//path to storage

$storage = $_REQUEST["folder"];

//path name of file for storage

$uploadfile = "$storage/" . basename( $_FILES['Filedata']['name'] );

//if the file is moved successfully

if ( move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'] , $uploadfile ) )



               echo "answer=".$answer;

//file failed to move



               echo "answer=".$answer;



many help much appreciated,
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