Here is the solution I came up with - a mishmosh of a few peoples help:

var myStuff:Array = ["aaaaa","bbbbb","ccccc"];

for (var i:Number=0; i<myStuff.length; i++) {
     var nm:String = myStuff[i];
     _root.mc1[nm].mc3.onRollOver = function() {

     _root.mc1[nm].mc3.onRollOut = function() {

function changeViewOn(mov) {
function changeViewOff(mov) {

[] On Behalf Of David Hunter 
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:22 AM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Minimizing Code: Logic Issue

i've been following this thread and may have missed a critical detail, but why 
do you need to check an instances name against an array if all you want to 
change is its alpha? or if you have extra values you need to check can't you 
just assign them to each instance when you add the rollover behaviours?
i put an example of what i mean on pastebin:
hope it helps and i haven't completely missed the point and wasted your time!

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 08:58:34 -0500
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Minimizing Code: Logic Issue
> OK - I think I MAY have found a way - which leads me to another question: how 
> can I grab the FULL "name" of an object (ie _level0.mc1.mc2.mc3) and 
> substring it - like in the example, I want to extract mc2 from the path.....
> ________________________________________
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Glen Pike 
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 8:02 AM
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Minimizing Code: Logic Issue
> Hmm,
>     Just to be clear.  I guess you are creating a number of clips on
> which you set the alpha.  Then you are using an equal number of clips
> that can be rolled over.  When you rollover these clips, you set the
> alpha on the corresponding "alpha" clip.
>     I can see why it might be using the last array member - that would
> be assigned the last time you loop through the array.  You might want to
> add traces in a few more places - e.g. trace out the clip you are
> messing with, trace out it's name, etc. after you assigned it?
>     Are you adding the clips programmatically - at runtime - or at
> authortime - in the IDE?  Not 100%, but if you are adding them at
> authortime, you might not be able to add to their properties.
>     I usually do a loop like below and attach symbols, then create
> properties on them, e.g.
>     //Trimmed down example of adding a load of "button" clips
> for (iBut=0; iBut<section.buttons.length; iBut++) {
>         var btn:Object = section.buttons[iBut];
>         trace("button " + btn.text + " attributes: " +
> btn.attributes["audioID"] + ", " + btn.attributes["seqID"] );
>         // create speech clip button
>         var speechMC:MovieClip =
> this.speechButtons.dummy.attachMovie("audio button", "speechS"+iBut,
> (1000+iBut));
>         //Assign properties.
>         speechMC.audioID = btn.attributes["audioID"];
>         speechMC.seqID = btn.attributes["seqID"];
>         //add the onRelease functionality
>         speechMC.onRelease = function() {
>             trace("onRelease " + this + " audioID " + this.audioID);
>             if (this.seqID && this.audioID) {
>                 playSequenceA(this.seqID, this.audioID);
>             } else if (this.seqID) {
>                 playSequence(this.seqID);
>             } else if (this.audioID) {
>                 playAudio(this.audioID);
>             }
>             //Generic button handling for rollover colours...
>             fButtonOff(this);
>         }
> }
>     Also, when you rollover and it traces - does each clip have the same
> "nm" value - that will break it / not work.  You could always use the
> "_name" value of the clip to find out what to change.
> Lehr, Theodore wrote:
> > ALSO: (and this might be impacting my results... when I used this.nm it did 
> > not work at all... so I took this. out and just used nm, while it "works" 
> > they are all suing the last array member....
> >
> > ________________________________________
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Glen Pike 
> > []
> > Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 5:48 PM
> > To: Flash Coders List
> > Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Minimizing Code: Logic Issue
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >     Not sure what your findValue function does, but I am guessing you
> > are looking for the name in an array of names....
> >
> >     Anyway, you could create an array of names that you are going to use
> > and loop throught these to attach your onRollover / onRollout
> > functionality.  To make if work for each clip, you can attach the
> > current name to your clip so it can use it in the onRollover function,
> > etc.
> >
> >     Something like below might work:
> >
> >
> >     //Create your array somehow - this is just for "show"
> >     var myFiftyClips:Array = ["AAAA", "AAAB", ... "AABX"];
> >
> >     var len:Number = myFiftyClips.length;  //don't have to do this if
> > you don't want to...
> >
> >     //Loop through the clips
> >     for(var i:Number = 0; i < len;i++) {
> >
> >        //Grab the name we are going to use
> >        var nm:String = myFiftyClips[i];
> >
> >        //now we can start accessing our clips using the name as an index...
> >        _root[nm]._alpha = 0;
> >
> >        //Because this is AS2, you can dynamically attach properties to
> > your movieclip, so assign the name as a variable of the clip so the clip
> > can find it later...
> >        _root.mc1[nm].mc2.nm = nm;
> >
> >        _root.mc1[nm].mc2.onRollover = function() {
> >           trace("Hello I am onRollover for " + this + " my name is " +
> > this.nm);
> >           if(findValue(this.nm, arrayName) == 1) {
> >              //hey presto, you can still access stuff!
> >              _root[this.nm]._alpha = 100;
> >           }
> >        }
> >
> >        _root.mc1[nm].onRollout = function() {
> >           _root[this.nm]._alpha = 0;
> >        }
> >     }
> >
> > Lehr, Theodore wrote:
> >
> >> OK - imagine:
> >>
> >> _root.AAAA._alpha = 0;
> >> _root.mc1.AAAA.mc2.onRollOver = function() {
> >>     if (findValue("AAAA", arrayName) == 1) {
> >>         _root.AAAA._alpha = 100;
> >>     }
> >> }
> >> _root.mc1.AAAA.mc2.onRollOut = function() {
> >>     _root.AAAA._alpha=0;
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> Now, I have to repeat this code like 50 times for 50 different movies with 
> >> the 'AAAA' being replaced by a different instance name.... My thought was 
> >> to put the AAAA's into an array and loop through that - but as I am 
> >> finding the code is not called until the event (i.e. onRollOver and thus 
> >> the last array member is the active one... Is there anyway to minimize the 
> >> code instead of havign to repeat this 50 times - I am sure I am 
> >> approaching this from the wrong direction....
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Flashcoders mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> >
> > Glen Pike
> > 01326 218440
> > <>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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