I have always used this in my kiosk apps - whether they run in AIR or from a SWF they seem to behave.

if (false == _env.isBrowser()) {
               fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
               this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;

It seems to work okay because it't not in the browser and not restricted by the "have to press a button" rule.

Tony Fairfield wrote:
Does anyone have experience with custom application descriptor files and
AIR? I'm using Flash CS4 to create an AIR application, and am unable to
use a custom application descriptor file with it when I generate the
program. I have based mine on the Adobe sample, and used the online
Adobe tutorial - which makes it all seem very simple as is the way of
all tutorials - to confgure it, but I keep getting errors (syntax usage
errors with no indication as to what they might be, can't find an icon
and indicating it is missing from a folder I have not identified as the
icon folder) even when I use the simplest application descriptor file
straight from the Adobe tutorial. I've even got the damn O'reilly AIR
1.5 Cookbook which is equally useless. There seems to be virtually
nothing out there describing some of the errors I've had, and I can't
begin to enumerate them. But here's one as an example: my xml node for
the icons is straight from the sample and is

<icon> <image16x16>icons\AIRApp_16.png</image16x16> <image32x32>icons\AIRApp_32.png</image32x32> <image48x48>icons\AIRApp_48.png</image48x48> <image128x128>icons\AIRApp_128.png</image128x128>

However, an error is thrown telling me that it could not find the icon
in a folder called "AppIconsForAIRPublish", not "icons". I even tried
creating a folder with this name and copied the icons into it, but found
that it was automatically deleted upon publishing and the same error

I wouldn't bother with any of this customization but for the fact that
my application needs to be full screen (it's a kiosk program) and AIRs
idea of full screen still shows the chrome. Flash, of course, eliminates
the bar at top with the min,max and restore buttons so that the
interface is clean when full screen. No idea why AIR does it

If anyone could even simply point me to some half-decent documention out
there for AIR using Flash, it would be greatly appreciated.


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