Thanks Glen, maybe that will do the trick. I've got the
this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE line
in there because there are inputs and other interactions needed. But I
might just try the plain FULL_SCREEN and see what happens.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Glen
Sent: January 8, 2010 10:38 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AIR configuration file

I have always used this in my kiosk apps - whether they run in AIR or 
from a SWF they seem to behave.

if (false == _env.isBrowser()) {
                fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
                this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;

It seems to work okay because it't not in the browser and not restricted

by the "have to press a button" rule.

Tony Fairfield wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with custom application descriptor files
> AIR? I'm using Flash CS4 to create an AIR application, and am unable
> use a custom application descriptor file with it when I generate the
> program. I have based mine on the Adobe sample, and used the online
> Adobe tutorial - which makes it all seem very simple as is the way of
> all tutorials - to confgure it, but I keep getting errors (syntax
> errors with no indication as to what they might be, can't find an icon
> and indicating it is missing from a folder I have not identified as
> icon folder) even when I use the simplest application descriptor file
> straight from the Adobe tutorial. I've even got the damn O'reilly AIR
> 1.5 Cookbook which is equally useless. There seems to be virtually
> nothing out there describing some of the errors I've had, and I can't
> begin to enumerate them. But here's one as an example: my xml node for
> the icons is straight from the sample and is
> <icon> 
>         <image16x16>icons\AIRApp_16.png</image16x16> 
>         <image32x32>icons\AIRApp_32.png</image32x32> 
>         <image48x48>icons\AIRApp_48.png</image48x48> 
>         <image128x128>icons\AIRApp_128.png</image128x128>  
>     </icon>
> However, an error is thrown telling me that it could not find the icon
> in a folder called "AppIconsForAIRPublish", not "icons". I even tried
> creating a folder with this name and copied the icons into it, but
> that it was automatically deleted upon publishing and the same error
> thrown.
> I wouldn't bother with any of this customization but for the fact that
> my application needs to be full screen (it's a kiosk program) and AIRs
> idea of full screen still shows the chrome. Flash, of course,
> the bar at top with the min,max and restore buttons so that the
> interface is clean when full screen. No idea why AIR does it
> differently.
> If anyone could even simply point me to some half-decent documention
> there for AIR using Flash, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Tony
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