Assuming that all the UI events created by one clock face (view) are included 
in the events on the other clock face (another view) and the events are defined 
by the business rules to have identical effects on the state of the 
application, then the same controller could be used for both.

If two (or more) views generate identical UI events that have the identical 
effect upon the state of the application (change to the model), then I would 
use one controller. If one controller generates extra events, then I would use 
two controllers, with the more complex controller derived from the other 
controller. It would be possible to use conditional logic within one controller 
to handle multiple views, but this typically indicates the need for 
polymorphism (same message, different results), which is generally best 
implemented by having different classes.

In my implementations, I have an class that represents the application that is 
the "chicken" or Main. The Main class has class variables for the model and 
each of the views. The model is created first, then I create a controller and a 
view, the controller is passed as a parameter to the view's constructor. The 
view is then registered as a listener with the model. I repeat the controller 
and view process as many times as needed.
In the constructor method of the view class, the view class registers itself 
with the given model.

Moock provides a good example of the MVC pattern in Essential AS 2.0. The 
example has the view classes create a default controller if one has not been 
provided, but I felt it easier to just require a controller to be provided in 
the constructor.

As Moock indicates, "there is no single "right" way to implement MVC". I think 
he provides an excellent discussion of the pattern and choices that a developer 
can make in implementing the pattern.


From: Karina Steffens <>
To: Flash Coders List <>
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 9:53:34 AM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] What good is a Controller?

In your framework, would the one controller for each view also mean that can
be only one view per controller? I tend to use a single model for multiple
views (the model could consist of a number of classes, but it's still one
"model layer"), it might make sense to do the same with the controller. To
clarify, I don't mean only one controller for all the views, more like
clusters of views with a single controller in their middle. Or does that
break the pattern?

Another question about your implementation - who's the chicken and who's the
egg? Does the view instantiate its controller, the controller the view, or a
Main class that creates all? 

In my current implementation, I have a Main application class (linked to the
stage) that creates the Model, the (limited) Controller, and passes the View
(which is a symbol on the stage with Class Linkage) to the controller. The
Controller's only function is to link them all together as Broadcaster
listeners (all Views listen/broadcast to all Models. The Controller is the
third part of the equation, because it can listen/broadcast to both Views
and Models, but it sort of stops there. 

I also have some parts of the View interacting with each other via
Broadcaster, but I'm beginning to think that this should really be the
Controller's function - to intercept messages from one View to another: for
example, from a PageView to the MainView, or from a ComponentView (eg the
menu or breadcrumbs) to a PageView if necessity arises. 

Then on the smaller scale of Page or Component, I suppose each could have
their own Controller class that's still linked to the main MVC structure, so
that it can talk to the Model, but doesn't handle communications with other

Does that make sense to you guys, or am I overcomplicating here? 

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the comprehensive examples, especially the clock face. I guess
another advantage then would be the ability to swap the view instead of the
controller, and (for example) have text-only console like view for testing &
debugging? You might also say that Xray is another View.

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