
Apologies if you thought I was calling you a fanboi - that was not the intention, but the endless discussion about the meaning of the iPhone SDK is better left to lawyers who can split legal hairs with surgical precision. For the rest of us a sensible way would be to think about the "spirit" of the SDK as Apple would intend it.

Pragmatically, it's your phone, you can do what you like with it. If you break the SDK agreement, that's on your head. If you find a loophole in the SDK agreement, then you can exploit that, but if Apple don't like what you have done they will change the agreement and probably apply it retroactively.

IMHO, Apple think the device is theirs, the developer tend to think the customer owns the device, but the power is in the hands of Apple and the market place. The customer just wants a pretty phone that does nice things well and I can sort of see Apple's point in wanting to control what goes on the device and gives the customer that impression, although I do take this with a big pinch of salt when the bottom line is money...

There is a very good article I read at home - can post the URL later if you want, but basically it says you can do what you like with your phone, but you have to be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions if you go against what Apple intends you to do with it.

I am sure if you exploited any loophole, Apple will close that too because the "spirit" of the SDK is to prevent anyone developing for the iPhone using tools other than the ones they intended. The power is in their hands and the only way it is going to be wrested from them is if people stop buying Apple products amd as much as I hate their stance and wish they would FOAD that ain't going to happen anytime soon.


On 21/04/2010 09:34, Paul Andrews wrote:
On 21/04/2010 09:13, Glen Pike wrote:
Can we keep the "technicalities of iPhone SDK" discussions on some Apple fanboi list please.

No. I am actually looking to see if there is a loophole for using Flash on an iWhatever in a limited set of circumstances, either as prototyping tool or as a limited distribution application. I really don't know if an alternative "open" SDK yet exists or some kind of alternative open toolset exists that could make Adobes cross-compilation efforts at all usable.

It's not about being a fanboi, it's about recognising the iWhatever as a commercial opportunity and trying to leverage flash with that.

I don't like what Jobs has done, but it doesn't mean we can't be pragmatic and search out ways of using flash with the device particularly since adobe has gone to all that trouble.

I'm just interested in seeing if Flash developers on the Mac know of alternative tooling that might make that route possible in a limited way.

If you don't like the subject, don't read the thread. It is entirely relevant to Flash.


On 20/04/2010 20:39, Paul Andrews wrote:
On 20/04/2010 20:06, jonathan howe wrote:

That's an interesting distinction. Does the agreement say you can't even test locally those kind of prototypes? I thought the blocking was just for
distribution through the store.


As I understand it the new developer agreement makes you agree that as a licensed Apple developer you will not develop applications that include links to other libraries (or words to that effect). So it's a block on the use of the SDK. Of course, you can agree and still do it, but that's a violation.
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