Aka, selective enforcement is in full effect.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Mattheis, Erik (MIN - WSW)
<ematth...@webershandwick.com> wrote:
> The word from other cross-compilers is Apple says they are in compliance with 
> the new terms, or the new terms won't be enforced, or something. Example: 
> http://blog.anscamobile.com/2010/04/corona-and-iphone-os-4-0/
> "I believe that Corona will be fine, and we are committed to delivering the 
> best tool for multi-platform game and app creation for Apple and Android 
> devices, and we will continue to add new features to Corona and to make it 
> better every time we put a new release out.
> "I, along with my co-founder Walter Luh, have reached out to Apple both 
> officially and unofficially, and we continue to do our diligence in regards 
> to the new TOS. We have also been in touch with other companies that are in 
> the same situation we are.
> "To this day, Apple has never officially or unofficially mentioned anything 
> to us regarding non-compliance. The fact that Apple approved several Corona 
> powered apps for the grand opening of the iPad store on April 3rd reaffirms 
> our belief that we continue to be compliant and offer tremendous value to the 
> iPhone/iPad ecosystem "

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