the most important thing being as Hendrik said that it is sorted, which in
your example it is not.

Say you have:
["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "orange", "peach" "pear", "pineapple",

and you are looking for banana:
middle element is orange (or kiwi)
take "apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi",
middle element is cherry
take "apple", "banana"
middle element is banana yeah a hit

My description is a bit shabby but you get the idea.

Whether it beats a dictionary ... I don't think so, I've only done this when
searching through huge sorted files with random file access, not with arrays
in flash.


On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Henrik Andersson <>wrote:

> Merrill, Jason wrote:
>> I understand what a binary search algorithm is, but am wondering how
>> that could be implemented on an array in Actionscript (if at all)
>> without using methods that would defeating the purpose of a binary
>> search (speed).  Anyone have experience in this area?
>> So for example, if you have a list like this:
>> ["apple", "orange", "banana", "pear", "cherry", "pineapple", "kiwi",
>> "peach"]
>> Then to do a binary search for say, "pineapple", as I understand binary
>> searching, you would first split the list in the middle (between "pear"
>> and "cherry") and determine if "pineapple" was in that list - if not,
>> search the other half and so on until you find "pineapple".
> That is wrong, you know that it will be in a certain half due to the list
> being sorted. There is no need to scan the half for the object, by the list
> already being sorted, you know that if the object exists, it's in that half.
> Just compare the middle element, if it is bigger, use the left half, else
> use the right half.
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