Thanks Ktu

Yes, that sounds right. However, I'm not trying to enter the text as
html. When I've tried to alter the script to allow this, it's crashed.

I probably ought to go back and fix this properly, but I'm looking for
a way to put line breaks in non-html dynamic text. I'll keep digging
and let you know how I get on.


On 19 May 2010 16:38, Ktu <> wrote:
> >From what I remember when using xml with html, you need to wrap your html
> inside of a* <![CDATA[**]]>* to get it to render properly. You can put a \r
> or \n in it as well.
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Paul Jinks <> wrote:
>> It's been a long time since I've done any coding. I think this is
>> pretty straightforward but it has me beat. Can you help?
>> I'm working on a quiz using AS1 (I think) that reads questions and
>> answers from an xml file. (see below for the script).
>> I'd like to introduce line breaks into the feedback, how do I do this?
>> I've tried using \r but it just displays this as text.
>> Ideally I'd like to display the text as html but so far my efforts to
>> do this have broken the script - any pointers?
>> Here's the action script for the quiz. I hope it makes sense:
>> function QuizItem(question)
>> {
>>        this.question=question;
>>        this.answers=new Array();
>>        this.feedbacks=new Array();
>>        this.numOfAnswers=0;
>>        this.correctAnswer=0;
>>        this.getQuestion=function()
>>        {
>>                return this.question;
>>        }
>>        this.addAnswer=function(answer, isCorrectAnswer, feedback)
>>        {
>>                this.answers[this.numOfAnswers]=answer;
>>                this.feedbacks[this.numOfAnswers]=feedback;
>>                if (isCorrectAnswer)
>>                        this.correctAnswer=this.numOfAnswers;
>>                this.numOfAnswers++;
>>        }
>>        this.getAnswer=function(answerNumberToGet)
>>        {
>>                return this.answers[answerNumberToGet];
>>        }
>>        this.getFeedback=function(answerNumberToGet)
>>        {
>>                return this.feedbacks[answerNumberToGet];
>>        }
>>        this.getCorrectAnswerNumber=function()
>>        {
>>                return this.correctAnswer;
>>        }
>>        this.checkAnswerNumber=function(userAnswerNumber)
>>        {
>>                if (userAnswerNumber==this.getCorrectAnswerNumber()) {
>>                        numOfQuestionsAnsweredCorrectly++;
>>                } else {
>>                        numOfQuestionsAnsweredIncorrectly++;
>>                }
>>                feedback = _root["feedback"+parseInt((userAnswerNumber+1))]
>>                gotoAndPlay("Feedback");
>>        }
>> }
>> function onQuizData(success)
>> {
>>        var quizNode=this.firstChild;
>>        var quizTitleNode=quizNode.firstChild;
>>        title=quizTitleNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
>>        var i=0;
>>        // <items> follows <title>
>>        var itemsNode=quizNode.childNodes[1];
>>        while (itemsNode.childNodes[i])
>>        {
>>                var itemNode=itemsNode.childNodes[i];
>>                // <item> consists of  <question> and one or more <answer>
>>                // <question> always comes before <answer>s (node 0 of
>> <item>)
>>                var questionNode=itemNode.childNodes[0];
>>                quizItems[i]=new
>> QuizItem(questionNode.firstChild.nodeValue);
>>                var a=1;
>>                // <answer> follows <question>
>>                var answerNode=itemNode.childNodes[a++];
>>                while (answerNode)
>>                {
>>                        //trace(answerNode);
>>                        var isCorrectAnswer=false;
>>                        if (answerNode.attributes.correct=="y")
>>                                isCorrectAnswer=true;
>>                        //get answer
>>                        tempAnswer = answerNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
>>                        //go to next node
>>                        answerNode=itemNode.childNodes[a++];
>>                        //get feedback
>>                        tempFeedback = answerNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
>>                        //add answer and feedback to current answer/feedback
>> 'pair'
>>                        quizItems[i].addAnswer(tempAnswer, isCorrectAnswer,
>> tempFeedback);
>>                        // goto the next <answer>
>>                        answerNode=itemNode.childNodes[a++];
>>                }
>>                i++;
>>        }
>>        gotoAndStop("Start");
>> }
>> var quizItems=new Array();
>> var myData=new XML();
>> myData.ignoreWhite=true;
>> myData.onLoad=onQuizData;
>> myData.load("google_quiz.xml");
>> stop();
>> And this is what the xml file looks like:
>> <!DOCTYPE quiz [
>>        <!ELEMENT quiz (title, items)>
>>        <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
>>        <!ELEMENT items (item)+>
>>        <!ELEMENT item (question, answer, answer+)>
>>        <!ELEMENT question (#PCDATA)>
>>        <!ELEMENT answer (#PCDATA)>
>>        <!ELEMENT feedback (#PCDATA)>
>>        <!ATTLIST answer correct (y) #IMPLIED>
>> ]>
>> <quiz>
>>        <title>My quiz</title>
>>        <items>
>>        <item>
>>          <question>What colour are greenfly</question>
>>          <answer>Red</answer>
>>          <feedback>You chose answer [a]. This is incorrect. The correct
>> answer is [d].</feedback>
>>          <answer>Blue</answer>
>>          <feedback>You chose answer [b]. This is incorrect. The correct
>> answer is [d].</feedback>
>>          <answer>Cheese</answer>
>>          <feedback>Sorry, cheese is not a colour.</feedback>
>>          <answer correct="y">Green</answer>
>>          <feedback>Correct!</feedback>
>>        </item>
>> </quiz>
>> Thanks for reading, any help would be very gratefully received.
>> Paul
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Paul Jinks
Assistant Development Librarian
University of Sheffield Library
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