You mean rains, right? :P 

So, there's no way to regain (or at least to rain...) focus without clicking
at all? Not even by using a mouseover event or a timer inside flash?

And more rain on my parade: After uploading the flash movie to the server,
some of the links in the dropdown menu have stopped working - clicking on
the doesn't do anything, while others seem to be ok. And it's arbitrary per
click... And this appears to be cross browser, while locally it's fine. Any
ideas what I should be looking for here?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:flashcoders-
>] On Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
> Sent: 29 May 2010 6:29
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Regain stage focus
> Karina Steffens  wrote:
> > So the question is, what's the best way to regain stage focus without
> > clicking on it? Is it even possible?
> AFAIK, no, it's not possible. It's a security issue--less scrupulous
> people could wreak havoc by forcing focus on a .swf. Anyway, it rais
> too much in Dublin ;-)
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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