On 27/07/2010 19:37, Henrik Andersson wrote:
Paul Andrews wrote:
If you try and call a function designed to be an event handler directly,
you must create an event object instance to correspond with the event
argument yourself when it is called.

You must at the very least give the parameter a value. A null reference counts as a value. You can either make it optional or simply pass null each time you are calling it yourself. If it is valid depends on what the function does with it.

Well it will work, though I think it's not the best practice.

If I have an event handler that does "taskX", and I want to do taskX directly without an event, I would code this as

function onSomeEvent(e:Event):void {

and have a separate taskX() function to allow that to be called directly. Then there's no ambiguity over whether a function is an event handler or not. Generally speaking calling event handlers directly is to be avoided.


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