Also, some RESTful services are rather strict about what HTTP command they
accept. Some will only allow POST for some operations and GET for others.
This might be the case here...

As a side note, if you set your code to use POST but you don't send any data
in the request body, flash will switch to GET silently (this is documented
in "fine print" in the docs but I had missed). A simple solution for this is
sending some dummy data to force flash to use POST.

2010/9/4 Juan Pablo Califano <>

> It's hard to know what the problem is with such limited info.
> The first step to troubleshoot this would be inspecting the http traffic. I
> guess.
> The best tool for this that I know of is wireshark (
> It's not the most friendly though and could be
> a bit daunting at first.
> Other option is Charles ( Less powerful, but
> good enough for inspecting communication between your app and the rest of
> the world. Also, it's much more friendlier and intuitive.
> Install any of the above and run your app. Then check the server response
> to see if it rejected your request for some reason.
> Probably not the case here, but I once had a similiar problem (using POST
> or GET made no difference, though). Whenever I connected from the IDE, the
> server responded with some fault code (can't remember if it was 500, 403 or
> something like that). However, if I run the code from a browser, it worked
> (I was running from localhost and already had sorted out crossdomain
> issues). Now, the curious thing was that if I had charles running, it worked
> both from the IDE and the browser. So I suspected and confirmed later that
> the server app I was connecting to was inspecting the user-agent in the
> request header and explicitly rejecting flash for some dumb "security
> reasons" (when charles is running it proxies your http traffic and changes
> the user agent). Anyway, this was rare; most server side scripts / apps
> won't check the user agent (because this piece of data is sent by the client
> anyway, and no real security could be enforced just by inspecting it).
> Cheers
> Juan Pablo Califano
> 2010/9/4 Paul Andrews <>
>  I have an pap that access a remote server (well it won't be remote once
>> deployed) via http and the server returns some XML.
>> Testing via the IDE..
>> using GET I have no problem
>> using POST I get Error #2032.
>> What's the best way forward to know why the server is upset?
>> Paul
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