Wondering if someone has had this problem and found a good solution ...

I've developed a social simulation that has a lot of data that i need to save between user sessions in the suspend_data SCORM variable to our LMS. I'm formatting this data as XML since 1, has a good structure and 2, i know it. Suspend_data only has 4k of space and my XML (as a string) is pretty big - doubly so since the LMS encodes it and all of the single char <, > and /'s get turned into 4 chars. But i've used attributes and 1-2 char tag names where i can.

I'm going to try to compress the string with ByteArray and see if that helps, but I'm not sure if the "special characters" will mess with the LMS communication - I've had that happen many times before with just HTML page text.

Other option is to learn JSON and do it that way.

Have anyone else faced something like this and solved it?

Matt Perkins

Flashcoders mailing list

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