Hey guys,

Been a while since I posted here. I'm going to assume that you are all still
alive and that not everyone has quit coding with actionscript and started
using HTML5 for your website banner builds just yet...

Anyway, I have a question about FDT and version control:

What are people doing regarding working with teams of developers and using

The new version of FDT has now removed its out of the box for subversive,
which, although it has (many many) faults, is pretty much the best of a bad
bunch when it comes to IDE integrated SVN.

Anyway, I was wondering whether people have any thoughts on the (related)
issue of working in teams and controlling your projects. Do you ignore the
project files completely and let each developer do what he or she likes with
them? Do you agree on a standard configuration? Or do you add your project
files to svn and check out an FDT project via the "import... project from
SVN" route?

This third approach is what I usually do, and it's great for teams of
developers about 99% of the time. However, that 1% of times when you have a
version control problem, it's REALLY a problem. Your entire team grinds to a
halt, you can't commit, everything goes basically pear shaped.

Anyway, I was wondering is anyone has come up with a better solution than
just using a seperate SVN client and manually managing all their files.
Subversive has some very useful features and it's really nice once you get
used to it. And I'm used to it. I guess I'm just set in my ways.

Thanks in advance
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