I would agree with Henrik. Using the Vector class would be better in this case 
(or if Vector is confusing even just Array - Vector is just a typed array where 
you declare the data type and enforce it).  And doesn't seem to me you need to 
separate "hour digits" from "minunte digits" - you're just dealing with numbers 
0-9. Here is an example.

Instead of this: hours_digit1[1] = new Bitmap(number_1_image); hours_digit2[1] 
= new Bitmap(number_1_image); hours_digit3[1] = new Bitmap(number_1_image); 
min_digit1[1]  = new Bitmap(number_1_image);

Do this:

var digitBitmaps:Vector.<Bitmap> = new Vector.<Bitmap>();

for (var i:int = 0; i<9; i++)
        digitBitmaps.push(new Bitmap("number_"+i+"_image"));

Then, to get the image you want do the following. Say you wanted to get the 
number 7:

var image7:Bitmap = digitBitmaps[7];

 Jason Merrill
 Instructional Technology Architect
 Bank of America  Global Learning 


-----Original Message-----
From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com 
[mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Kevin Holleran
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 9:05 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Reusing an Image

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Henrik Andersson <he...@henke37.cjb.net>wrote:

> You might want to have a look at the Bitmap.bitmapData property.
> _______________________________________________
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders

Ok, so forgive me as I have never used this before and am new to AS.  I want to 
load a series of 10 images, these will be numbers in a countdown.  Its possible 
for an image to be used 7 times at once (111:11:11).  If I want to use the same 
image would I load the image into BitmapData, the turn around and have a series 
of Bitmap objects for every digit?

clock_image_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, images_loaded);

private function images_loaded(event:Event): void {
      number_1_image = Bitmap(LoaderInfo(event.target).content).bitmapData;

then do something like this?

hours_digit1[1] = new Bitmap(number_1_image); hours_digit2[1] = new 
Bitmap(number_1_image); hours_digit3[1] = new Bitmap(number_1_image); 
min_digit1[1]  = new Bitmap(number_1_image);

and so on?  this would mean I would need a declaration for all seven digits for 
(This is tossed together but I think you get the idea.)

Again, I am new to this and I would think there would be a better way to get 
what I need that is more efficient....

Thanks for your help as always....

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