Lots of things, like any Valve game for example, seem to run much slower on Mac OS X than on Windows, on the same hardware. I'm not sure this is a Flash Player problem specifically, though I do hope they can bridge the gap a bit more.

Kevin N.

On 5/22/11 6:32 AM, Karim Beyrouti wrote:
one observation here:

Stage 3d / Molehill runs much much faster on a PC than a Mac. Recently loaded 
XP BootCamp, and some Away3D examples than ran at 2-3 FPS on OsX ran at 30 FPS 
in XP on the same PC, well all examples were an order of magnitude faster in XP 
/ Window.

I know it's early days, but I do hope that this gets ironed out, and we are not 
left with too much disparity/performance differentials between platforms.

- k

On 22 May 2011, at 10:54, Henrik Andersson wrote:

Since nobody else has done this, I might as well do it. It's old news by now, 
but it doesn't hurt to tell people about it.

The flash player incubator have updated and added new features.


Here is the feature list for those who can't be bothered to check the page out.

Media/Real Time Communications

    * G.711 audio compression for telephony
    * H.264/AVC SW Encode for camera encoding


    * JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
    * GC Advice
    * Socket Progress Events
    * Pause/sleep/resume Events


    * Secure random number generator
    * TLS (Transport Layer Security) sockets
    * TLS socket policy file

Oh and they still got that previous incubator stuff too, like Molehill and 
cubic bezier curves.
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