Have you guys given Adobe edge a try? It's like Flash MX, without easily
accessible fonts or drawing tools...

My fear is that handwriting HTML will always be cleaner and more structured
than using an IDE. Imagine building a robust web application with tons of
animation in Edge... It just seems impossible, where as Flash made it easy.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com>wrote:

> +1
> On Feb 23, 2012, at 10:49 AM, Kevin Newman wrote:
>  There is this idea that was articulated by an old timer - an ex-bank CEO
>> - on Bill Moyer's show a few weeks ago, that companies and running
>> companies used to be about product and solving customers' problems - great
>> loan products if you are are a banker, or Flash and great tools if you run
>> Adobe. But these days business culture has changed to be primarily about
>> profit, to the point where you actually get Kudos for gloating about how
>> much money you were able to stock pile this quarter, instead of what great
>> products you created, or how many customers you satisfied.
>> This is a sad state of affairs that affects more than just Adobe, though
>> they seem to have slipped into that black hole of profit gloating just like
>> so many other American corporations. And the CEOs probably get real social
>> kudos for that money gloating at their cocktail parties.
>> Personally, I'll stay focused on products and customers, and hope that's
>> enough to help change the culture back. I'm pretty much at the bottom of
>> the totem pole though. I can only hope these old ideas will see some kind
>> of revival at that corporate board and CEO level of American culture.
>> Kevin N.
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
> http://designdrumm.com
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