Well, not every object has to be a Model, a View, or a Controller. You can have your controller and view work with an instance of an adapter. You wouldn't want an adapter hanging out in the ether - but but your MVC objects could certainly have a "uses a" relationship to an adapter object.

For example, you could have the controller create an adapter, wire it to the model, and set it to the dataSource of a view. This is clean because the view only needs to know how to get data from the adapter, it doesn't need to know anything about how the data lives in the model.

Kevin N.

On 2/26/12 8:45 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
So is the basic construct to choose between a controller or multiple adaptors?
It seems (to me) that a combination of the two is overkill.
If you cant fit everything your trying to do within a MVC or MVA style pattern, your coding it wrong. Not setting flame, just inquiring. :)

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