
Kevin N.

On 5/9/13 11:18 AM, James Merrill wrote:
>From my perspective as a former Flash Developer at an Ad agency, I can't
imagine us getting any more serious Flash work. These days we still use
Flash for banner ads, but that's it. We've tried using Adobe Edge to do
HTML5 banners, but it was an awful experience. I rest ALL of my blame on
Adobe for both of these situations, not the underlying technologies.

If you're betting on Adobe, you're going to lose. They've royally screwed
up how they handled this whole Flash fiasco in the last five years. I have
ZERO faith in their Edge HTML5 platform, and I suggest that you don't buy
the hype. Adobe makes good designs software, and that's it.

As AS3 Flash developers, we understand the complexities of RIA's much
better than your average Javascript programmer. We've been doing "AJAX" far
before it was popularized in mainstream web development. It was sendAndLoad
to us in AS2. We understand animation, interactivity, and user experience
much more than most. That's our strength, and it transcends Flash. A lot of
you may not believe me, but it's becoming a reality that you can make Flash
quality experiences in modern browsers.

As for coding HTML5/CSS/JS in an opensource IDE with Greensock JS, Angular,
or even Jquery, it's getting better. Javascript is not as elegant as AS3,
actually it's more akin to AS2... But progress is being made with new
releases of ECMAScript, and MV* frameworks like Backbone and Angular.

I miss the good ole days of Flash... But times are exciting as a web
developer, I've found some comfort in embracing the change.

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