Hello fellow Flashers,
Been a while. Ok, its time. I am now going to learn AS3 for real.. lol
I know I know... please no comments from the peanut gallery.
I am also making my first AS3 lesson an iPhone app. Whoo hoo! (Im a glutton for 
punishment I guess)
So, I will have some more questions regarding that process here in the near 
future I am sure.

My first question.

What is the purpose of "void" versus "Void"? When do you use "void" and "Void" 
and when is it not needed or wise to use "void" on a function? I may have asked 
this a few years ago, but can not find any of the emails, so if its a duplicate 
I apologize.


function someFunc():void
        //do something

function someFunc():Void
        //do something

function someFunc() {
        //do something

If I understand correctly, to use "void", your function can not return any 
values? It can only manipulate things?
I don't fully understand "Void" with a Cap V, so will need enlightenment.
To have a function return a value with the "return" statement, "void" should be 
voided?? (sry. had to)

If you want to answer directly, please, be my guest. If you want to send me 
somewhere to learn, by all means. I'll take what I can get.
Hopefully my being a newbie and asking questions right now will fervor some 
lost zeal in some people and they will want to help me. :)

(fingers crossed)


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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