Hello Team,

Hope you are doing well.
I would like bring this activity in your notice
https://review.coreboot.org/q/topic:PCH_HW_SEQ_Cleanup and seek help to
review the code.

The reason for this refactoring of HW sequencing SPI driver code are:
1. We (Chrome OS team) recently ran into a firmware update issue on
dogfooders (test device utilise by real users and share feedback) systems,
where the attempt to perform SPI flash update operation from host-cpu
(using underlying flashrom utility) is silently failing. Furthermore, we
debug the issue with help of Intel and figure out the problem is related to
multiple master is accessing the SPI flash and operation triggered by
host-cpu side using flashrom (write and erase operation) is getting timed
out (due to given lesser timeout boundary) due to underlying SPI bus is
occupied by other master.
This is the special case, starting from Tiger Lake Chrome Platform, where
we have enable the PVAP (Protected Audio Video Path) which request CSE to
perform some erase and write operation as needed. Now an attempt to perform
firmware update from host-cpu side might coincide with the CSE performing
SPI operations. The recommendation that coming out from Intel is to account
the multiple master SPI operation while we are issuing the timeout from
flashrom side. We are also expecting a doc update from Intel to share the
exact timeout calculation (although I have attempted to document that early
here https://review.coreboot.org/c/flashrom/+/62867/1/ichspi.c#35).
2. Maintain the code symmetry between coreboot and flashrom SPI hardware
sequencing operations.

>From the testing side, I have tested this code on Alderlake `Brya`,
Tigerlake `volteer` and Kabylake `eve` devices, and looking for help from
community to check on other systems as well (if possible).
Furthermore, I have attempted to increase the timeout which won't impact
the flashrom performance on the older and/or existing systems.

Looking forward for your help on this request.

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