On Fri, Apr 7, 2023, 03:42 Edward O'Callaghan <quasi...@google.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 at 15:52, Stefan Reinauer <stefan.reina...@coreboot.org>
> wrote:
>> You should also be able to just say "make flashrom" instead of just
>> "make" or "make all"
> Stefan,
> I think the longer term intent is to EOL the Makefile in favour of meson.
> The last release was about feature parity between the two build systems.
> Thomas did heaps and heaps of work to knock all that meson stuff into great
> shape. Thomas can speak in more precise terms about the timelines since he
> owns this whole area and knows tons about the minutiae.

That is absolutely great! However, the documentation (README at least)
doesn't make any mention of meson but has five + examples of how to run
make and since that is what Alex was using I tried to provide a solution
for the issue he was seeing rather than migrating him to a new,
undocumented build system just yet (that, I have to admit, I have not used
myself either)

Is there any documentation on how to tweak all (or the most important) of
flashrom's knobs with meson?


> Alex,
> An alternative is to suggest using meson if at all possible? If there are
> any blocks I suspect Thomas would be keen to know.
> Kindest Regards,
> Edward.
>> On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 10:42 PM Thomas Heijligen <s...@posteo.de> wrote:
>>> Yea, there is a error in the Makefile logic which requires sphix when
>>> run 'make [all]'. I'll fix this.
>>> To mitigate this in the meanwhile you can comment out Makefile line 1035
>>> Please be aware, that we are in the process of switching to the meson
>>> build system and the Makefile might be removed in the near feature.
>>> -- Thomas
>>> On April 7, 2023 6:01:59 AM GMT+02:00, Anastasia Klimchuk <
>>> a...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> This is definitely not intended behaviour: sphinx is optional. If it
>>>> is not present, flashrom can be built, just without docs.
>>>> I didn't have sphinx locally for a while, and was building the sources
>>>> without it. Only installed it very recently, because I started to add
>>>> docs.
>>>> Can you tell exactly how you are building? Logs maybe? I want to help.
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