> On May 6, 2018, at 9:17 PM, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
> you could also try different packet sizes for you probes. The size ratio 
> should give you an idea about the RTT difference explained by simple transit 
> times and anything on top of that might be related to queueing. I am probably 
> severely underestimating the scope of your question, but I believe that that 
> also has the advantage that, unlike packet-tuples, will not be as sensitive 
> to bonded path segments (which probably do not exist in your environment in 
> the first place).

I was also considering adding the option to irtt for different packet sizes in 
each cluster. I’d have to change the IPDV calculation to only calculate it for 
like-sized packets, which is possible.

I see how using the RTTs for different packet lengths might help estimate the 
transmission time, but not how I could use that to differentiate between 
channel contention and queueing delays(?) Maybe I see what you’re saying, that 
in addition to varying the DSCP value, I can also vary length to estimate the 
transmission time, and subtract that from the estimate I get for “contention” 
to have a better approximation of how much contention time there is, which 
sounds like a good idea... :)

I don’t know of any bonded segments in this case…

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