This example might help you.

On Mar 25, 7:19 pm, Anoop Max <> wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> I am trying to draw one column chart with two line charts also inside
> that.
> but when i draw the line chart the columns displayed are drifting to
> left some pixels.
> hence the line data points are not coming in center of the columns.
> I am attaching the code, and am sure that someone might had came
> across the same problem.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> layout="absolute">
>         <mx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>         import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>         [Bindable]
>         private var medalsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
>                                         { Company: "A", Market_Share: 33},
>                                         { Company: "B", Market_Share: 23 },
>                                         { Company: "C", Market_Share: 29} ]);
>                                 ]]>
>         </mx:Script>
>         <mx:Stroke id = "s1" color="blue" weight="1"/>
>         <mx:Panel title="Insurance companies Market Share %"
>         height="100%" width="100%" layout="horizontal">
>                 <mx:ColumnChart id="column"
>                 height="100%"
>                 width="45%"
>                 paddingLeft="5"
>                 paddingRight="5"
>                 showDataTips="true"
>                 dataProvider="{medalsAC}">
>                         <mx:horizontalAxis>
>                                 <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Company"/>
>                         </mx:horizontalAxis>
>                         <mx:series>
>                                 <mx:ColumnSeries
>                                 xField="Company"
>                                 yField="Market_Share"
>                                 displayName="Market_Share"
>                                 />
>                                 <mx:LineSeries
>                                 xField="Company"
>                                 yField="Market_Share"
>                                 lineStroke="{s1}"
>                                 displayName="Market_Share"
> itemRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.TriangleItemRenderer"
>                                 />
>                         </mx:series>
>                 </mx:ColumnChart>
>         </mx:Panel>
> </mx:Application>
> I dont know what is happening. whenever am drawing the line, then only
> the columns are drifting.
> Regards,
> PK

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