Do you have a directory in your webapp
com/visualio/play/view/ containing and (you seem to be trying to instantiate
both classes)

<playView:DemoViewHelper> is going to look for


<playView:LoginViewHelper> in your Login.mxml file is going
to try and locate com/visualio/play/view/

check both those files are there.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dduuggllaa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 06 March 2005 21:37
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm namspace bug
> Steven,
> Essentially what I did was simply replace all occurences of 
> demoView with playView and then reference playView within 
> Index.mxml and Login.mxml. Thats it. Should just work, but it doesn't.
> With this single change, logging in is impossible. When I 
> click login I never progress to the next screen as I do with 
> the iteration::two demo version. Strange. Is there some cache 
> that needs to be flushed perhaps? 
> For completeness here is the code derived from your Index.mxml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <cairngorm:CairngormApplication 
> xmlns:mx="";
> xmlns:cairngorm="com.iterationtwo.
> cairngorm.application.*"
> xmlns:cairngormBusiness="*"
> xmlns:playView="*"
> xmlns:demoBusiness="*"
> xmlns:demo="*"
> pageTitle="Visual i|o Toy" marginBottom="5"
> marginLeft="5" marginRight="5" marginTop="5">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> public var loginDate : Date;
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> <cairngorm:controller>
> { }
> </cairngorm:controller>
> <playView:DemoViewHelper name="playView" view="{ this }" />
> <demoBusiness:Services id="demoServices" />
> <mx:ViewStack id="appView" >
> <demo:Login id="login"/>
> <mx:VBox id="mainApplication" >
> <mx:Label text="{ 'Logged in ' + loginDate }" />
> </mx:VBox>
> </mx:ViewStack>
> </cairngorm:CairngormApplication>
> and here is the code derived from your Login.mxml:
> <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="";
> xmlns:playView="*" title="Login" >
> <playView:LoginViewHelper name="loginView" view="{ this }" />
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> import com.iterationtwo.cairngorm.control.EventBroadcaster;
> public var statusMessage : String = "Please 
> enter your username and password";
> public function doLogin()
> {
> EventBroadcaster.getInstance().broadcastEvent( "login" );
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> <mx:Form id="loginForm">
> <mx:FormItem label="Username: ">
> <mx:TextInput id="username" />
> </mx:FormItem>
> <mx:FormItem label="Password: ">
> <mx:TextInput id="password" />
> </mx:FormItem>
> </mx:Form>
> <mx:Text text="{ statusMessage }" width="100%" />
> <mx:ControlBar>
> <mx:Button label="Login" click="doLogin()" />
> </mx:ControlBar>
> </mx:Panel>
> Just trivial changes really.
> -Douglass
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ---
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.853 / Virus Database: 581 - Release Date: 01/02/2005

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