Long-time lurker, first-time poster... I wanted to draw your attention to an issue that I'm having with Flex Builder: Basically, the Preview/Run/Debug functionality stops working when you subclass mx.core.Application and/or mx.containers.Form in your applications.
This is a known bug in Flexbuilder that was raisedup on this list when people started trying to build
applications using the CairngormApplication tag that we advocated in the 0.9 release of Cairngorm.
Currently there is no workaround other that using the <mx:Application> tag if you want to work
in Flexbuilder.  Macromedia are aware of the issue - we raised it and it was acknowledged as a bug.
It doesn't however mean that people will have to dump lots of code in their MXML files; using the
Application tag, developers are still free to create their own ActionScript 2.0 classes, and if you
don't want to import them and instantiate them within <mx:Script> blocks, you can instantiate
them "MXML-fashion" using namespace declarations. 
Steven Webster
Technical Director
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