Thank's Steven,
good work,
but according to you, considering that you know an architecture J2EE and his complexity, i don't know the sense "to remap" buisiness delgate in "Flex",
rather i have just build my business delegate in j2ee and i don't know if exist a logical/technical justify can you light me!!! please.
For pojo it's ok i understand that it's necessary for amf/flex to swap java/flex flex/java viceversa.

/* in the case that this function returns me an array of customer, it is possible to hook it to a dataProvider using the your approach, for example in my Customer.mxml
as I can exploit here the under code?
for example
<mx: DataGrid dataProvider=??????

public function login( loginVO : LoginVO ): Void
var call = service.login( loginVO );

call.resultHandler = Delegate.create( Object( responder ), responder.onResult ); call.faultHandler = Delegate.create( Object( responder ), responder.onFault ); }

thanks a lot of and excuse me if I make you lose the time Best Devis

Steven Webster ha scritto:

Hi Devis,

If you look at the file Services.mxml I don't understand as the class you/he/she able does to memorize all the RemoteObjects, don't I see containers? Can someone explain me this file mxml???

<cairngorm:ServiceLocator xmlns:mx =
""; xmlns:cairngorm = " * ">

<mx:RemoteObject id = "customerDelegate" source = "" protocol = "http" showBusyCursor = "true" result = " (event) " fault = " (event) "> </ mx:RemoteObject>

</ cairngorm:ServiceLocator>

So the idea of the ServiceLocator (as you'll know from j2ee) is to present an encapsulation of all service lookup; in RIAs we're talking about RemoteObject (tight java-coupling), WebService and HTTPService services.

We used to advocate ServiceLocator as an ActionScript 2.0 class -
it was a singleton class, with getInstance(), that encapsulated all
the Flash Remoting integration that it was necessary to perform.

However, Flex does *so* much more for us than plain-old Flash
Remoting, so we made a decision for Cairngorm 0.9 to simplify
the ServiceLocator down to an MXML file that is instantiated from
your top-level Application, as a "registry" of services.

By declaring all of your application services here, your business
delegate can easily locate services, invoke them, and pass responses
from the services back to the command classes that call them.

In fact, by adding a class with Flash Remoting
logic in it (look at the ActionScript 2.0 dictionary for an example),
you can use Cairngorm with Flash RIA as well -- we have done in the
past (most recently for a project running in the National Space
Museum in the UK !) and there are flexcoders on this list doing so
as we speak.

So - quite simply, declare all your services in the Services.mxml
file, and then look at the business delegate class to see how the
Service Locator is used to handle all the underlying invocation
of services, and handling of asynchronous results.



Steven Webster
Technical Director

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