I know I have this question already, but maybe some help with someone with more experience will help. Local I have the following setup:
Using the Loader component, appA can load appB and then appB has something like this:
var user = _level0.user
This allows appB to retrieve the user model object from appA... works like a charm.
Now, I deployed the same UIs as follows:
Now in this setup, appB loads within appA, but the _level0.user returns "undefined". Also the movie doesn't loaded within its predefined width and height (probably diff issue altogether). I was told to add a crossdomain.xml file and I have:
    <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*"/>
Still doesn't work... anything else I can try?
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

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