I'm having some trouble getting my Services.mxml to work with .99.

I keep getting errors like:
Error /com/cadpo/shared/business/Services.mxml:4
Namespace http://www.iterationtwo.com/cairngorm has not been associated with component manifest.

Error /com/cadpo/shared/business/Services.mxml:4

Error /com/cadpo/shared/business/Services.mxml:4
Unexpected root element "http://www.iterationtwo.com/cairngorm:ServiceLocator" does not extend MovieClip

I put the cairngorm-manifest.xml into the WEB-INF/flex directory, but it still doesn't want to eat it.
Here is the first part of my Services.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cairngorm:ServiceLocator xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml"
  <mx:WebService id="myWS"

Is the xmlns:cairngorm="http://www.iterationtwo.com/cairngorm" attribute correct? I copied it out of one of the sample apps included in .99.

Any ideas?

Sean McKibben

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