Here's the deal. I have a client putting together a (fairly large) Flex application; actually the company that I work for is putting together the Flex portion and the client and another vendor is putting together the J2EE back-end.

So they come to me and say "How are we handling logging in a user. Are we using cookies?"

What we've done in the past with Flash (sorry. I know that's a dirty word here) is have the user log in and have the server pass back a user object that contains (among other things) a role. If the server doesn't pass the user object, then they get the login screen again. If the user is logged in, they see screens/forms per what level their role is set. The security on this new application is going to need to be a bit more strict.

My problem is this: I am NOT a full-time J2EE developer and the people who are asking these questions are very experienced J2EE developers. Every time I attempt to explain to them how we should handle user log in I appearently am not using the correct words. Can someone either point me to a document that explains how user log in would normally would be handled with Flex in a J2EE environment? Or give it to me is easy to understand language so I can relieve these guys' (and my) stress? Is there a best practice for handling user login in a secure application?

Also, they threw me a curve today: "How do we handle it if a user's role is demoted or promoted in the middle of a session? Can we immediately change what they see on-screen? Or can we immediately have them log off?"  Any thoughts?


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