The lesson here is:

Don't copy copy the address bar for liveDocs. Copy the page URL within the frameset.

Also, when using setCredentials or passing over any login and password, you can use some type of hashing/encryption.

'You can also assign access restrictions to entire applications or to any resource, such as Java classes, using the security-constraint and web-resource-collection elements in the web.xml file. For more information on using web application authentication, see your application server's documentation.'

Small Tidbits:

On 5/18/05, Leif Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dave, thanks for replying.

The link you provided for the livedocs takes me to a page about containers. Since that is not the point we were discussing, I can only imagine that something is wrong with that link. ;-)  (either that or Gmail is misinterpreting the link)

If you could provide the topic of that link it would be very helpful! Thanks!

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