Title: Mercury Email Signature
Hi Shlomi,
Yes, for each app you want to load using the Loader control, it must be in effect a standalone Flex app to begin with, so its root tag must be the Application tag.
I don't know how big all these sub applications are, but perhaps you can use a ViewStack instead and that should server your purpose. If all you want to do is display one sub-app at a time.
Hope that helps!
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Shlomi Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 12:52 PM
To: 'flexcoders@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: [flexcoders] what is the best practice for dynamic content change.

I have windows explorer like application , the left panel contain a tree with a list of sub applications (modules)
and the right panel is the main view .(which suppose to be used by each sub application)
i want to be able to load the right panel with the selected sub application .
I know that Flex Explorer sample implemented  something similar with the mx:Loader tag. where every application is loaded by the URL sent to the loader object.
the only design fault i can see here is that every module have to be in its own mx:Application tag otherwise the loader can't load it.
is there a better way ? what is the best practice here ?

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