Hi All,

 I am a newbie to Flex.

The problem i am facing is that,

I have a tree, which has 21000 plus nodes, when i load the .swf file 
in IE, it crashes. As such i dont get any error messages, so i 
checked into widows application error log and found this error 

"Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16674, faulting 
module fldbg9f.ocx, version, fault address 0x00241305."

   If i reduce the nodes in hierarchy file to 10000 records, it works 
absolutely fine.

Below is the snippet of my impl.  Please suggest a solution, to 
overcome this issue.

Flex Verison : Flex Builder 2 (version 2.0.1)
note: The data for tree is static

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 

<mx:XML id="cat" source="UNSPSCTree.xml" />             

<mx:Tree x="30" y="38" height="198" labelField="@label" 
showRoot="false"  dataProvider="{cat}" id="hieTree" width="486" 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <SEG label="00000000 - Uncategorized">
        <SEG label="10000000 - Live Plant and Animal Material and 
Accessories and Supplies">
                <FAM label="10100000 - Live animals">
                        <CLA label="10101500 - Livestock">
                                <COM label="10101501 - Cats"/>
                                <COM label="10101502 - Dogs"/>
...  // as such 20k nodes

Thanks in advance,

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