Ok I've actually had to do this slightly different - as there will be  
a lot of flipping between items; what I'd hoped to do was something  
like like a static var of 'db' as ArrayCollection and do a  
db.removeAll() -- but when I've even manually parsed the var arr and  
tried doing a db.addItem(arr[x]) it's not working...

On Aug 14, 2008, at 1:29 AM, Fidel Viegas wrote:

> private function onJSONLoad(event:ResultEvent):void
>                       {
>                               var rawData:String = String(event.result);
>                               var arr:Array = (JSON.decode(rawData) as Array);
>                               var dp:ArrayCollection = new 
> ArrayCollection(arr);
>                               grid.dataProvider = dp;
>                       }

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